Angel's Eyes
Angel's Eyes Ultimate Blue-V41 Solarized Technology

Why Angel's Eyes Blue-V41 Solarized Lenses?
AEO is the inventor of solarized lens technology...Angel's Eyes Blue-V41 lenses are the leading technology in lenses today. Made in Minnesota, USA, Angel's Eyes' leading proprietary technology is founded on the theories of color diffusion, color diagnosticity and color subtraction. Angel's Eyes premium lenses give you high definition clarity, contrast, contour, color balancing and the ultimate protection for your eyes health from harmful HEV blue light, UV-A,B and C light rays. Each Angel's Eyes Blue-V41 lenses are cut, edged, surfaced and polished with a unique blue light-blocking, premium clarity base material. The base material absorbs harmful high energy visible (HEV) blue light, better than any other lens available. We then add our proprietary FL-41X filter, "Heaven" HEV anti reflective and the most durable scratch coating available. Angel's Ice mirror coating is available on all AEO lenses. AEO lenses are manufactured in our ophthalmic lab with the highest of quality control standards in accordance with the American National Standards Institute. Angel's Eyes Blue-V41 lenses are designed to interact with and enhance the color-sensitive cones in the retina, to give each patient an ultimate high definition vision experience (HDVE), while soothing your visual experience. Angel's Eyes lenses are "Solarized" with a proprietary formula, with all the advantages of polarization and more, without the annoying visual affects of old school polarized technology, making them ideal for everyone...migraine sufferers, pilots, color blindness, fishing, gaming, LED screens, driving, sports, golf, skiing, snowmobiling and all around general heaven on earth!
Angel's Eyes can be custom ordered with the perfect amount of "Heaven", to balance light transmission for each patient's lifestyle needs.
Keep headaches, fatigue, stress, and eye spasms away for good! Improve your life, office, recreational activities and health!
Angel's Eyes...Heaven on Earth!
Block harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays A,B, and C
Block Harmful blue (HEV) light
Balance the "good" spectrum of blue-aqua light
Balance the electromagnetic spectrum of visible light
Made from the highest abbe (clear) quality materials, NOT polycarbonate
Signature "Heaven" custom light balancing 0%-100% (Opaque)
Scratch Resistant
BlueV-41 Solarization
Custom fit
Vertex, Optical Center, Wrap, Segment Height custom fit
Pantoscopic and Retroscopic tilt custom measured
Reduce fatigue, stress, headaches and spasming
Great for gaming, hand held devices and personal computers
Beneficial to everyone indoors and outdoors
Available in CR-39, Trivex, and 1.67 high-index materials
Impact resistant Trivex for children and safety
We will NEVER use Plutonite/Polycarbonate materials
Proundly made in Minnesota, USA